Our policies
Privacy policy
On 23/5 2018, the following policy was drawn up/updated for SA Möbler AB.
We protect your privacy and therefore we have drawn up a structured set of rules for handling information concerning you as a person.
Our intention here is for you to know how we handle your personal data, what we use the data for, who may access it and under what conditions, and how you can exercise your rights.
We process your personal data primarily to fulfill our obligations to you. Our starting point is not to process more personal data than is necessary for the purpose and we always strive to use the least privacy-sensitive data.
We need your personal data to be able to fulfill our commitments to you and any organizations you represent, but also to provide you with good service in terms of marketing and other information. In addition, we may also need your information to comply with laws and perform customer and market analyses.
You have the right to object to us using your personal data for direct marketing and we always provide adequate ways for you to object / refrain from such.
According to the Marketing Act, there is no requirement for consent (however, it is possible to opt out of further information through an active choice). The data subject has not actively objected to receiving information from you and your company.
The marketing refers to the trader's own, similar products.
The natural person can clearly object, at no cost, to the data being used for marketing purposes when the data is collected and with each subsequent marketing communication.
In addition, by you as an individual or as a representative making contact or initiating a dialogue regarding possible joint business commitments, relevant information is always saved with reference to us being able to fulfill requirements in the Accounting Act and to be able to provide important information regarding your opportunities for future business and service commitments that can be derived - put together with previously completed business/request.
What personal data do we process?
We only process personal data when we have a legal basis. We do not process personal data other than when it is needed to fulfill obligations according to agreements and laws. Here for examples of personal data that we process, in whole or in part. In the first place, we process information that is derived from you and your employment/business, but if the customer acts as a private person, we mean their completely private information.
Email address
Date of birth / social security number (As an employee, at a sole proprietorship or as an actual ordering consumer.)
User name
Debit card number, credit card number and other bank-related information.
Data that you register - give up voluntarily/voluntarily.
Content that you publish yourself, so-called user-generated content.
How do we get access to your personal data?
We try as much as possible to obtain your consent before we start processing your personal data, you give your consent to the processing of your personal data in connection with giving us your data, sending an inquiry, carrying out an actual transaction.
You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. We will then no longer process your personal data or obtain new ones, provided that it is not necessary to fulfill our obligations according to agreement or law. Keep in mind that withdrawal of consent may mean that we cannot fulfill the obligations we have in relation to you.
We also get access to your personal data in the following ways.
Information that you provide us directly, in writing or orally.
Data recorded when you visit our website.
Information we obtain from public records.
Data that we receive when you hire one of our employees.
Data that we receive when you sign up for newsletters and other mailings.
Information we receive when you respond to surveys and surveys.
Information that we receive when you contact us, apply for employment with us, take up employment with us or otherwise contact us.
What information do we provide to you?
When we collect your personal data for the first time, we will inform you about how we obtained the personal data, what we will use it for, what rights you have under data protection legislation and how you can take advantage of these, and whether your data must be saved according to the Accounting Act or the Marketing Act. You will also be informed about who is responsible for the processing of personal data and how you can contact us if you have questions or need to make a request or request regarding your personal data and/or rights.
Is your data processed in a reassuring manner?
We draw up and develop ongoing routines and working methods to ensure that your personal data is handled securely. The starting point is that only employees and other people within the organization who need the personal data to perform their tasks should have access to it.
In terms of sensitive personal data, we have set up special authorization controls, which means a higher level of protection for your personal data.
Our security systems are developed with your privacy in focus and protect to a very high degree against intrusion, destruction and other changes that may pose risks to your privacy.
We do not transfer personal data in cases other than those expressly stated in this policy or falling under the Marketing Act or the Accounting Act.
When do we release personal data
Our starting point is not to disclose your personal data to third parties if you have not consented to it or if it is not necessary to fulfill our obligations under contract or law. In cases where we disclose personal data to third parties, we draw up confidentiality agreements and ensure that the personal data is processed in as reassuring a manner as possible.
SA Möbler AB is the personal data controller, which means that we are responsible for how your personal data is processed and that your rights are taken care of.
Quality policy
Our business is based on our customers' and stakeholders' experience of us. Their needs, requirements and expectations are what will guide our work. The quality we provide to customers is a measure of our performance and it should permeate our entire business.
We must be better than our competitors. This, in turn, requires us to listen to our customers and, based on their views, plan constant and lasting improvements in our operations. Therefore, all our processes, our treatment and working methods must be characterized by the highest quality.
We must understand and meet customers' needs.
Our products and services must be delivered on time.
We must exceed the customer's expectations.
We must be the obvious and competitive supplier.
Through active change work, review, improve and streamline all our processes based on the customer's point of view and wishes.
The management must continuously support, coordinate and follow up our quality work.
We allocate the necessary resources to ensure our quality objective.
We encourage all our employees to be creative in the improvement work and in the customers' experience of our work.
We work actively to create good relationships and provide the best service.
The management must ensure that the employees are competent, committed and given the opportunity for development and to reach the goals.
We follow the requirements that TMF Trä & Möbelföretagen sets for us.
We also comply with other laws, agreements and regulations.
The workplace must be environmentally friendly.
The workplace must be safe and good from a work environment perspective.
This environmental policy applies to all of SA Möbler AB
SA Möbler AB must follow current environmental legislation, rules, requirements and standards and work for continuous improvements in its environmental work. We want SA Möbler AB to be perceived as active and credible in its environmental work both:
internally for a continued investment in environmental and health adaptation of the business.
externally for a reduced environmental impact (during the production) of our services/products.
Systematic environmental work in SA Möbler AB means that:
Current environmental legislation, other current rules and requirements constitute the minimum level in SA Möbler AB's environmental work.
The CEO or/and other designated person in charge formulates annual concrete goals for SA Möbler AB's environmental work.
Constant improvements must be our guide in a progressively expanded environmental work.
The CEO or/and other designated person in charge is responsible for ensuring that this environmental policy and the current targets are complied with and are successively revised.
Employees must be given continuous training and information about current legislation and other rules, as well as knowledge about concrete activities and environmental improvement efforts for the execution of the work.
The CEO or/and other designated person in charge makes annual evaluations and audits of SA Möbler AB's environmental work based on expanded and newly formulated goals.
Starting points and principles
That we strive to improve profitability and streamline operations based on environmental considerations.
That we follow the so-called replacement principle, which means continuously replacing older, less functioning technology with newer and more environmentally friendly technology and equipment.
That environmental work follows the so-called precautionary principle, which means avoiding risky production or operations, and instead finding safer working methods and methods.
That all employees with external contacts, partners, suppliers and customers undertake to cooperate with them in order to also increase their environmental awareness and support them in reducing their environmental impact when using our services/products.
Commitments and Contributions
SA Möbler AB's environmental concern entails the following basic commitments and concrete efforts:
That we avoid disposable items as far as possible and choose environmentally approved office materials and other consumables.
That we strive for as low energy consumption as possible, by, for example, turning off lights and not leaving computers in standby mode when the working day is over.
That employees use communications with little environmental impact, minimize physical meetings to when it is only necessary, e-mail and video conferences instead of own car, regular mail and travel to and from meetings.
That we place reasonable and relevant environmental requirements on our suppliers and take environmental considerations into account when making major investments, for example when purchasing new work or office equipment.
That we leave things in the business that can be recycled to recycling and environmental stations, for example paper and cardboard, batteries, electrical scrap, disposable glass, etc.
That we take into account the recycling of materials and environmentally safe waste management and that this is prioritized over, for example, availability and price.
That we only print necessary documents and where possible use double-sided printing.
Supplier policy (Code of Conduct)
At SA Möbler, we strive to develop honest, business-like and long-term relationships that promote sustainable development. The purpose of our code of conduct is to clarify our position both internally and for customers and other partners. Compliance is required throughout the value chain regarding human rights, labor law, environmental protection, anti-corruption and good animal husbandry.
SA Möbler's code of conduct is based on the UN's Global Compact, the UN's guiding principles for business and human rights and the OECD's Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Business Conduct. National and local legislation in the countries where operations are conducted must be fulfilled. In the event that international regulations prescribe stronger protection, these shall apply.
For ensuring responsible supply chains, see separate Code of Conduct - Suppliers.
To ensure compliance, we have a systematic way of working that prevents and handles any deviations and contributes to continuous improvements.
The systematic work is continuously applied and documented.
Documentation in the form of vouchers and evidence can be presented on request in the form of a self-declaration, follow-up meetings or second and/or third-party audits on site.
Human rights
We respect and promote human rights both within our own operations and with our partners.
We must ensure that we do not directly or indirectly participate in violations of human rights.
The UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights as well as the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.
Child labor
No person may be employed below the age of compulsory schooling, i.e. 15 years.
Children under the age of 18 may not be employed for risky work or work that is contrary to the child's personal development (physical, psychological, mental, spiritual, moral or social development, including night work).
In the event that there is work for children under the age of 18, we establish a policy for which tasks a child between the ages of 15 and 18 may perform and ensure, in consultation with the guardian, that work takes place in the best interest of the child.
The International Labor Organization's (ILO) eight core conventions on basic principles and rights in working life. UN Convention on the Rights of the Child art. 32.
Forced labor
Forced labor, including slave labor, contract labor or involuntary prison labor must not occur. Employees must have the right to leave their work after a reasonable time according to law or agreement. All work is done voluntarily without threat of punishment or the like.
Employees are not forced to deposit money or ID documents.
Forced labour, ILO Convention 29, 105.
Environmental policy
Discrimination and harassment
Discrimination on the basis of ethnicity, gender, marital status, pregnancy, religion, social or ethnic origin, nationality, functional diversity, political opinions, trade union involvement, gender identity or expression, age, health condition, sexual orientation or other characteristic protected by applicable legislation may not occur. Discrimination refers to the separation of employees which is not based on merit or qualities, but involves special treatment on irrelevant grounds.
Diversity and equal opportunities in the business based on the individual's conditions must be promoted.
Harassment in the form of inhumane treatment, including sexual harassment, threats or psychological / physical punishment must not occur.
Discrimination and harassment, ILO Convention 100, 111.
Freedom of association
All employees are given the right to organize themselves, to join organizations they wish to participate in, as well as the right to bargain collectively. The definition of collective bargaining means negotiations between employers and employees freely chosen by the employees.
ILO Convention 87,98.
Terms of employment
Employees have a written employment contract that at least states working hours, salary and holidays.
All employees must understand their terms of employment.
We work for fair and reasonable living wages and in no case less than the national/local statutory minimum wage.
Working hours must comply with national laws and applicable collective agreements.
Weekly working hours must not exceed the legal limits or 60 hours a week including overtime.
Employees must have at least one day off per week and breaks during the working day.
Employees are entitled to and paid for vacation, sick leave, parental leave, etc. according to national legislation.
All employees must be covered by social insurance according to national law.
Work environment
In accordance with national legislation, we must ensure a healthy working environment where the employee is protected against conditions that may pose a danger to his physical or mental health.
In our systematic work environment work, employees are asked to report any incidents and accidents in writing.
All employees must receive relevant safety information and training in order to safely perform their tasks, operate machines or other equipment.
Relevant protective equipment is available free of charge.
Temperature, air quality and noise level are regulated according to local legislation.
Chemicals are handled according to legislation which includes minimizing the risk of worker exposure to hazardous substances. Safety data sheets must be available.
The emergency procedure must be documented, fire drills must be held regularly. Fire equipment, evacuation plans and emergency exits must be clearly visible in all areas.
All workers must have a safe workplace with access to hygienic facilities and fresh water.
ILO Convention 155, 170.
The business must be conducted with consideration for the surrounding environment and in accordance with current local and national environmental protection legislation. We strive to minimize any negative effects on human health and the environment throughout the value chain.
Systems for legal compliance control with legal lists must be available.
We strive for the smallest possible environmental impact through annual identification of environmental aspects. Short- and long-term goals are established together with an action plan to ensure continuous improvement.
The precautionary principle regarding environmental risks applies to both production and component components and material selection.
Greater environmental awareness and commitment must be created through environmental training for all employees.
Development of environmentally friendly processes and technology is encouraged at all levels.
No form of corruption, extortion or bribery is tolerated.
No one may directly or indirectly offer or promise a bribe or compensation to any person or organization for the purpose of obtaining, retaining or controlling business with the aim of achieving an undue advantage for themselves or others.
The UN Convention against Corruption and the bribery legislation that applies in Sweden, and in the country where all or part of the product is produced.